Solo Traveling in Alaska

Solo Journey Across Alaska Traveling to a new place can be both daunting and exciting. Especially when it comes to the expansive lands of Alaska. With so much to do and places to see, this guide to solo traveling in Alaska aims to offer you more tips and tricks to a successful journey. Independently traveling through Alaska could be just the experience you [...]

By |2021-12-19T11:20:02-09:00December 15th, 2021|Alaska Backpacking, Alaska Expedition, Camping in Alaska|Comments Off on Solo Traveling in Alaska

Keeping Up

Strength in the Outdoors Pre-run Am I strong enough? This is a question most outdoors people have asked themselves at some point when planning an adventure. Especially when planning an adventure with someone you know to be a machine. Tomorrow I’m going on a 10 mile run with 4,000 ft. elevation gain, no trail and lots of bushwhacking in the Alaskan backcountry with my [...]

By |2021-11-15T13:03:23-09:00November 15th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Keeping Up

Hiking Reed Lakes

Hiking Reed Lakes Trail Hatcher Pass is a central area for a variety of different hikes and destinations to some of Alaska's most beautiful landscapes. Alaska can be known for it's aggressive ascents and less than predictable conditions. However, these caveats can be planned for and mitigated. With that being said, many of the trailheads in Hatcher Pass create the perfect Alaska day hiking [...]

By |2021-10-04T01:42:57-08:00October 15th, 2021|Anchorage Adventure, Hatcher Pass Information, Natural Wonders of Alaska, Talkeetnah Range|Comments Off on Hiking Reed Lakes

Learning the Ropes

Ice Climbing on the Matanuska The morning time and start of the day is consistently changing in Alaska. Especially near a glacier. They create sort of a microcosm of their own weather systems. And so each day the gear and the plans change when it comes to climbing glacier ice. Ice Climbing on Glaciers Glaciers, like the Matanuska, are known for their Kendall [...]

By |2021-10-04T02:47:42-08:00September 15th, 2021|Alaska Expedition, Anchorage Adventure, Glacier Activities, Glacier Trekking, Ice Climbing, Matanuska Glacier|Comments Off on Learning the Ropes

How To: Reading a Topographic Map

An Age of Accessibility Topographic maps are an essential piece of backcountry equipment that everyone should bring along with them. Especially in areas without established trails. Paired with an orienteering compass and the right skills and knowledge, good topo maps are invaluable in any terrain. Decades ago, the U.S. government took on the enormous task of surveying and mapping the entire United States back [...]

By |2021-08-18T11:22:40-08:00June 15th, 2021|Alaska Backpacking, Alaska Expedition, Map Reading|Comments Off on How To: Reading a Topographic Map

A Guide to Packing your Backpack

Alaska Packing Guide Proper Packing Not all Alaska backpacking trips are the same, nor are all packs created the same. We may be packing for different lengths of trips in different weather conditions. Simultaneously, we may need a varying degree of gear to safely and comfortably complete our trip. However, there are a number of steps anyone can take to pack their gear in [...]

By |2021-08-18T11:26:56-08:00May 16th, 2021|Alaska Backpacking, Alaska Expedition, Camping in Alaska, Gear Information|Comments Off on A Guide to Packing your Backpack

A Getaway to the Matanuska

A Matanuska Getaway Over the years many trips have been explored and different itineraries filled. Yet, no matter the place or time, it always seems hard to be able to get to every single detail that comes with planning a vacation. And if you're not careful, your vacation may turn into more work than the relaxation and adventure you were hoping for. With this [...]

By |2021-05-12T21:56:25-08:00May 12th, 2021|Alaska Expedition, Alaska Luxury Camping, Camping in Alaska, Exposure Alaska, Glacier Activities, Matanuska Glacier|Comments Off on A Getaway to the Matanuska

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