Preparing for and Respecting the Outdoors

You've made the first big step and booked a trek (perhaps a glacier tour with our friends on the Matanuska Glacier)! Now you have loads of questions about what you have gotten yourself into! One of the biggest hurdles for people getting into the outdoors is that they don't know what to expect. Everything always seems to be high stakes once you involve the outdoors. [...]

How To: Reading a Topographic Map

An Age of Accessibility Topographic maps are an essential piece of backcountry equipment that everyone should bring along with them. Especially in areas without established trails. Paired with an orienteering compass and the right skills and knowledge, good topo maps are invaluable in any terrain. Decades ago, the U.S. government took on the enormous task of surveying and mapping the entire United States back [...]

By |2021-08-18T11:22:40-08:00June 15th, 2021|Alaska Backpacking, Alaska Expedition, Map Reading|Comments Off on How To: Reading a Topographic Map

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