You’ve made the first big step and booked a trek (perhaps a glacier tour with our friends on the Matanuska Glacier)! Now you have loads of questions about what you have gotten yourself into!
One of the biggest hurdles for people getting into the outdoors is that they don’t know what to expect. Everything always seems to be high stakes once you involve the outdoors. Exposure Alaska prides itself on teaching the skills and knowledge needed to feel comfortable in the outdoors. It’s easy to forget that everyone needs to start somewhere, so we hope you feel comfortable coming to us with all your questions.
We get asked a lot of questions about how to prepare for a trek – there are no stupid questions, after all. You might be surprised that one of the most frequent questions we get asked is around bathroom habits in the outdoors.
I get it, one of the daunting things about going on a remote trek is being away from all the creature comforts we are used to in our normal lives. Out in mother nature, we do need to follow slightly different principles.
When in doubt, Leave No Trace or LNT is a great set of principles to respect and appreciate nature.
Leave No Trace
The seven principles of LNT are followed by outdoorsman all over the world. I would argue the outdoors is not the only place these principles are appropriate.
- Plan Ahead
- Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces
- Dispose of Waste Properly
- Leave What You Find
- Minimize Campfire Impact
- Respect Wildlife
- Be Considerate of Others
Group gearing up for sea kayaking
Be Prepared
Be Prepared: it’s the Scouting motto for a reason! You never know what is going to happen while you are out. One of the best ways to but the LNT principles into practice is by being prepared for a variety of events. Having the proper gear to handle any situation is so important when you are in unpredictable territory.
One of the best things about coming on an adventure with us, is that we will help you figure out what gear you need. We can even provide some of the gear you don’t have. It’s a great way to get your footing in this world of outdoor adventures.
Respecting Nature
The LNT principles also stress the importance of protecting nature so it can be enjoyed by generations to come. With proper preparation, this should come naturally. We love out big Alaskan backyard and love sharing it with folks like you! It only works if we all do our part to keep this glorious sanctuary alive.
We hope you’ll join us on a trek soon. In the meantime, we can answer all your questions and concerns so you can pull the trigger on that trek.
PS: If you are still wondering, when it comes to bathroom habits on a glacier, you can go No. 1 anywhere you want…you better bring a doggie bag if you need to go No. 2!