Alaska Glacier Climbing Experience

Alaska Glacier Climbing Experience We walk one by one in a single file line. Each of our steps is deliberate and sets firmly. The morning sun softens the ice, simultaneously providing good grip for our feet. A crunching chorus follows along with our group of four. Beneath us the ice is white and we chase the blue crevasse lines in the distance. We have [...]

By |2020-02-02T21:01:47-09:00January 16th, 2020|Exposure Alaska, Glacier Trekking, Ice Climbing, Matanuska Glacier|Comments Off on Alaska Glacier Climbing Experience

Kayaking with Whales

Kayaking with Whales It is early June and the air in the morning still holds a sharp chill. There is a cloudy mist that halos the illusive sun and cloaks everything in sight.  The waves roll in over the ocean-rounded stones that edge the shore.  It sounds as if the beach is breathing with every wave. The tide is coming in. We move quickly [...]

By |2020-02-02T21:18:22-09:00January 6th, 2020|Alaska Wildlife, Exposure Alaska, Kayaking Expedition, Prince William Sound, Whales of Alaska|Comments Off on Kayaking with Whales

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