Anchorage Ice Climbing Roadtrip

Anchorage Ice Climbing Road Trip Anchorage is a hub for adventure. This capital is a place to touch down and gain access to a variety of recreation and exploration. Almost every road and dirt path way is lined with a few gems to add to any experience. An Anchorage ice climbing road trip is no different. This quick journey from metropolis to valley glacier [...]

By |2020-07-21T23:27:21-08:00February 29th, 2020|Alaska Expedition, Alaska Wildlife, Anchorage Adventure, Glacier Activities, Matanuska Glacier, Talkeetnah Range|Comments Off on Anchorage Ice Climbing Roadtrip

Experiencing a Glacier by Helicopter Drop-Off

Experiencing a Glacier by Helicopter Drop-Off It is a blue bird day, in other words, there is not a cloud in sight. One of the benefits of being on the interior of Alaska is a warmer and dryer landscape. This creates perfect windows of opportunity to have crystal clear views of the intricate layers that make up the Mat-Su Valley. Not only that, but [...]

By |2020-02-29T17:27:44-09:00February 29th, 2020|Alaska Expedition, Exposure Alaska, Glacier Activities, Glacier Trekking, Ice Climbing, Matanuska Glacier, Wilderness Camping|Comments Off on Experiencing a Glacier by Helicopter Drop-Off

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